Submit Haiku

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We are now accepting submissions in all languages!



People around the world are still living in fear of COVID-19.

In the face of the pandemic, we are gathering haiku on the theme of life from haiku lovers around the world.

In the future, we would like to hold an online haiku gathering on this site to connect haiku poets from every corner of the globe. After the COVID-19 situation resolves, we plan to have a haiku gathering in Kyoto with our friends from abroad who we formed connections with online.

Submissions in all languages are welcome. We are looking forward to your haiku.

From Kyoto to the world, from the world to Kyoto – haiku is the poetry of life.

Madoka Mayuzumi


This site welcomes submissions. We ask that submissions contain the traditional elements of haiku.
Haiku is a fixed form of poetry, which means that it conforms to a certain format and is different from free verse.
Haiku must have a 5-7-5 syllable pattern and contain words or phrases that evoke the season. Turns or breaks, called “Kire,” are another critical element.
“Kire” appear in the haiku to signify a shift in the mind of the composer. They create spaces that allow suggestions to drift into the reader’s mind.
*If you wish to submit a poem in a language other than Japanese, please take this as an opportunity to attempt the original haiku format, rather than a short poem in free verse. If it is difficult to conform to the 5-7-5 format, please make sure to include seasonal words and a turn or “Kire.”

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